vodafone 2009 new gprs trick

Finding a gprs trick on Vodafone was never too easy, but just because of the repeated request of the visitors I have been able to track down settings for free Vodafone gprs. All you get is free airtel gprs tricks and hacks but for the first time on hellokaun.com, we are posting Vodafone free gprs trick. Let us know about the working of this trick and if there is anything missing or if there is anything else you want please let us know.

Proxy = yes /enabled
Proxy IP add =
Authentic = Normal
Bearer = packed data
Home page = www.live.vodafone.com


Proxy = yes OR Enabled
Proxy IP ADD. =
Bearer = Packed data
Port = 9401
Connection name / Profile Name = HUTCH_GPRS
Homepage = http://www.hutchworld.co.in

Use the access point as portalnmms. Try this and leave comment for further improvements . i am using in india .


1 Response to "vodafone 2009 new gprs trick"

Massac said... May 22, 2009 at 1:19 AM

Never works on my mobile n dont think it wil..


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