advancement.Cnet.Navy.Mil - Navy Advancement - NKO, NPC web page is the CNET Navy Advancement Center covered on TV today. The CNET Navy Advancement Center is one of several sites suggested by the Navy officially that provide “Education opportunities for active duty Navy personnel”.This web page used to downloads of all Naval Correspondence courses, essential for advancement.

The CNET Navy Advancement Center unfortunately has crashed today [21 May 2009]. This is the second time the site has crashed, last time on November 19, 2008. This site currently crashed to can't open.

This site provide features downloads of Non-resident Training Courses, NKO (Navy Knowledge Online), Navy Personal Command (NPC) and other outer links that will help you in studying for download. Also download these courses but its better to enroll and get the bib mention page, PMK (Professional Military Knowledge) page. Hopefully, Navy Advancement Study Guide & Bupers News will help you are your bibs.

The Navy Advancement suggests the other sites:



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